Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

Our commitment: improving health through responsible business

We aim to improve global health. Through our business, we make an important contribution to society: We discover and develop innovative medicines. Novartis collaborates with others to help address some of the world’s greatest health challenges. We focus our corporate responsibility work on two areas that underscore our mission of caring and curing: expanding access to healthcare and doing business responsibly.


Expanding access to healthcare

We work to control and eliminate diseases such as malaria and leprosy, pioneer new business approaches to reach underserved patients, and find new treatments and adaptive solutions to improve health in developing countries.


Doing business responsibly

This is a core part of Novartis. We are committed to creating a culture of integrity and demonstrate ethical leadership – because as a global leader in healthcare, we have a responsibility to serve as a role model in how we conduct our business. We also care for our associates, work to positively contribute to our communities, and strive for environmental sustainability.

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